Donations from Patrons like you go towards supporting initiatives that power independent artists and democratize access to resources: onsite residencies, art supplies, content production, special events…and more!

Support How You Can

$1 - $1499

Donations of all sizes are important and allow us to support the arts by recording audio and video for our concert series, hosting creative workshops and more!

  • Receive a hand-written postcard of thanks

  • Donations of $500 or more receive a Bossi tshirt.

  • Donations of $1000 or more receive the above plus a signed, limited-edition Bossi vinyl.


Sponsor a Showcase


Live concert series include a bountiful dinner and drinks for 26 guests and performances from 1 - 2 musical artists. Sponsorship allows us to open invites to both creatives and patrons and waive guest donations while paying our artists well and ensuring they leave with professional audio and video recordings of the night.

  • Receive an invite for you + 3 friends to the concert

  • Acknowledgement on invites

  • Receive a signed Bossi vinyl and a tshirt


Sponsor an Artist-


Each year House of Bossi hosts 3 - 4 artists in residence for up to 3 monts each. We provide all art supplies, housing, meals and other programs for the duration of each residency, ensuring that lack of financial means is not a barrier to opportunity. Your sponsorship helps the most promising talent to thrive and focus fully on creativity.

  • Enter the House of Bossi Patrons Club & receive exclusive perks based on program offerings

  • Gain first access to artist’s work in & intimate showcases

  • Acknowledgement on website as a Founding Patron
